Exposure involves a full head to toe examination, to look for any other causes of deterioration, and gather any other data that may have been missed.
This can be done in stages to ensure patient dignity, and promote warmth and comfort.
This can be done in stages to ensure patient dignity, and promote warmth and comfort.
Are there any wounds, bruises, rashes, swelling or bleeding?
Are there any invasive lines? If so check sites for infection, bleeding.
Do they have an enteral feeding tube? If so, is it appropriately placed and secured at the correct length. Are there any signs that it may have been dislodged or migrated
Auscultate the abdomen. Do they have bowel sounds present?
Is the abdomen painful on palpation?
Are their calves soft and non-tender? Any signs of deep vein thrombosis (redness, pain, swelling, heat)?
Central temperature